Japanese-style Seasoned Salmon Recipe

When you get fresh salmon from a shop or a market, what would you cook? Sushi? Sashimi? Teriyaki? 

In this post, I want to share an easy recipe to make Japanese-style seasoned salmon. It can be enjoyed as salmon rice bowl, salad, or a good appetizer menu.

Preparation time :
10 mins   Waiting time : At least 30 mins

 Ingredients (For 2-3 people) 


  • Fresh salmon to be eaten raw (Sushi-grade salmon) : 200 – 300 grams

(For sauce)

  • Soy sauce : 2-3 tablespoon (You can adjust depending on the quantity of salmon)
  • Mirin (*Sweet cooking rice wine) : 2 tablespoon
  • Water or cooking sake : 2 tablespoon
  • Sesame oil : 1 tablespoon
  • Black pepper : 1 teaspoon or moderate amount  (if you want)

*What is Mirin? Check these explanations in English or Finnish.


1. Make the sauce

  • Warm up mirin (and cooking sake if you have) in a microwave for a minute
  • Mix it with other ingredients for sauce


2. Soak salmon in the sauce

  • Cut salmon as you like
  • Soak the salmon in the sauce
  • Keep it in a fridge at least for 30 mins or even longer (I recommend even a couple hours)



seasoned salmon

*I sprinkled green onion and sesame over salmon.

Soaking salmon in the sauce improves preservative quality but it’s still better to eat it in 1-2 days.


 How can you enjoy this more? – Arranged recipe – 

1. Salmon rice bowl
salmon bowl

Ingredients :
-Seasoned salmon
-Half-boiled egg
-Green onion

2. Salmon salad
salmon salad

Ingredients :
-Seasoned salmon
-Vegetables (whatever you like)