About Me : Daiki Yoshikawa
– A 29 year-old Japanese living in Helsinki, Finland (since 2016).
– Completed Mater’s degree in Business and Economics at University of Jyväskylä.
– Currently working for a Finnish company in the capital area. Planning to have my own businesses starting from Finland.
– I share my experience and insights mainly about life in Finland here and on Twitter.
Follow @Okonomiyakiguy
– Born and grew up in the ancient capital of Japan, Kyoto
– Lived in Canada as an exchange student for one year
– Worked for a Japanese company over 3 years, then quit the job to come to Finland (which was one of the best decisions ever!)
Hobbies & Interestes
Hobbies: Football/Hiking/Traveling/Cooking/Movie/Sauna
Interests: International business/Design/Life style/Investment/Finnish culture & language
Why I moved to Finland? > The answer is here 🙂
<In Finnish>
Olen opiskellut pääasiassa Japanissa, mutta olin Kanadassa vaihto-opiskelijana yhden vuoden. Valmistumisen jälkeen olin töissä Japanissa yli kolme vuotta. Sitten lopetin työni, ja päätin tulla Suomeen opiskelemaan bisnestä maisteri-opiskelijana, mikä oli paras päätös koskaan. Nyt olen töissä suomalaisessa yrityksessä pääkaupunkiseudulla.
Appearance in media
– MTV Uutiset (25.05.2019)
– Nordic Mum podcast (Episode 73 : Why Japanese Love The Simplistic Life In Finland)
About this blog
Living and traveling abroad has been one of my core identity capitals. Especially, studying and working here in Finland has shaped my sense of value and made me see myself differently, even though I was having wonderful, happy life in Japan. I would really be happy if you become interested in Finland, Japan, their cultures, or traveling itself through this blog and learn something informative for your life!
Blog categories
I’d like to introduce Finnish culture (nature, working life, student life, traditions, etc…) and how to enjoy them. I believe that there are many things we can learn from the Finnish way of life.
Traveling is a big part of my life and I want to share some tips and learnings from my firsthand travel experience, including some useful words from local people, impressive happenings, and so on.
Food is great and it represents culture of each country. I’m happy to introduce tasty food that I have tried and also tell you some good & easy recipes because good food makes our life better. Those are mainly gourmet food from my home country, Japan and gastronomies from other countries.
Learnings from daily happenings, people, books & movies!
I want to show you a variety of cool Japanese stuff including food, businesses, art and other local culture.